What is SilvrScript ?
  • SilvrScript is an innovative all-in-one document editor using a new markup language.
  • SilvrScript will replace MS Office, MS Excel (data sheets), MS Visio (vector drawings, schemas, flow-diagrams), MS PowerPoint, where all of these elements are written in a single document using a single editor.
  • SilvrScript also seeks to fully implement all LaTeX functionality.
    (LaTeX is the document markup language used by academia and for scientific papers, with notably a rich math formula/diagram generating sub-language, all of which SilvrScript will provide for in its own markup language).
  • A SilvrScript document is a single file (in text-form, no binary data), and it can be published as a web-page, where one only needs to send a web-link/address
  • A SilvrScript document can also be exported to PDF document, or it can be converted in eBook form.
  • The SilvrScript editor has a WYSIWYG interface and a Code interface (and one can toggle back and forth), and will be available as Web-app (like Google Docs), Mobile-app, Desktop-app (like MS Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice) and there will be a SDK/Library version, so that it can be integrated into other software platforms (for example: e-mail formatting, website/blog editors, etc.)
  • The SilvrScript markup language itself has similarities with the HTML/CSS languages for websites and web-apps, and we will offer this technology royalty-free for international standardisation (at W3C, ISO, OASIS or similar).
SilvrScript is really 3 things ...
  1. SilvrScript is a Document
  2. SilvrScript is an Editor
  3. SilvrScript is a Markup Language

Note that this webpage is a first (draft) explanation, and that this technology is still in development (the first version is expected in June-2025).